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Decision Making in Robots and Autonomous Agents
(INFR11090): Homework Assignment 2 (Semester 2 - 2017/18)
Download HW Assignment 2
Question 1 [15 marks]:
This should be completed using the notebook and environment available in the repository.
The Grid-World uses OpenAI Gym, see the OpenAI GYM Tutorial
- Along with the online code submission, submit a printed version of the notebook.
- Remember to set a seed so that your work is reproducible !
- gym >= 0.9.4
- Python >= 3.6
- Numpy >= 1.13.3
- Matplotlib >= 2.1.1
- Scikit-image >= 0.13.1
- Jupyter >= 4.4.0
- (Recommended) JupyterLab >= 0.31.0
- FFMPEG (for visualisations)
Question 2 [5 marks]:
This is a reasoning question. We expect a short and concise (essay-like) answer for both parts of this question.